Top 5 Must Do's Before You Relaunch a Makeup Routine After a Long Hiatus
There is nothing wrong with taking a break from a regular makeup routine. Regardless of whether it is a long hiatus (think COVID lockdowns so why bother), an occasional break (to let your skin breathe), or if you only use makeup on rare occasions, it's important to take a few things into consideration when you start back up.
When we think of good skin health, often what comes to mind is our skin cleansing routine. And while regular cleansing is important, it is just as important to make sure you are using good makeup hygiene. So, if you want to ensure your makeup isn’t the culprit behind new skin irritations or breakouts following a hiatus, use these 5 tips to ensure your products are in good shape from the start.
Tip #1: It may be time to toss it.
If you don’t remember when you bought it and it looks a little worse for the wears…toss it! It probably is well passed its shelf life and it’s time to replace it. Trust us, that new tube will probably glide on smoother, feel better and will be healthier for your skin.
Tip #2: Start fresh with your tried-and-true products.
If you’re scraping the bottom of the pan, you’ve got a lot of use out of it. That also means you’ve dipped some kind of applicator in that container over and over and over…you get our drift. Bacteria can build up over time. It’s time for a new one Sis!
Tip #3: Disinfect the products you are keeping.
Errant powder spills and smudges can be quickly cleaned up with a little Isopropyl Alcohol and a lint free cloth (t-shirt material is good). Simply dampen the cloth with alcohol and wipe around the pans. Once you're done, disinfect the entire product by spritzing it with alcohol. This will help to disinfect your compact powders and because it's alcohol, it will dry quickly without damaging your product.
Tip #4: Deep clean your brushes and applicators.
Your regular makeup routine should include cleaning your brushes regularly. Deep clean them periodically with mild soap and water. We like baby wash or old-school Ivory dish detergent. Also replace your sponges and applicators. If it’s been a while since you’ve done this, it’s a great idea to do this before you revive your makeup routine. Your skin will thank you and it will help preserve the hygiene of your products.
Tip #5: Add a few seasonal colors to your repertoire.
Depending on the last time you bought makeup, you may find it useful to pick up a couple of new seasonal shades. This season's color trends, according to NYFW (New York Fashion Week), are all about wearable optimism (think vibrant colors). Picking up a couple of new shades to compliment the trend will certainly put a finishing touch on your look. Need some inspiration, take a look at our summer shades available now.
That's it! Do these 5 things and your skin will thank you.